Dental phobia is one of the most common phobias. Everyone has had some horrifying experience at some point in their life. The mouth is such a sensitive area, and many of us don't care for our teeth as we should therefore pain is almost inevitable.
However, while I don't believe total fear of the dentist can ever be overcome completely (it's like any phobia or fear, you get butterflies in your stomach/anxiety just about the thought of going) can do many things to CALM YOUR NERVES. It has all to do with mind over matter, and meditating, breathing deeply, putting positive images in your head to calm yourself before you go.
It may help you to have a good talk with your dentist. Get to know your dentist, explain your fears or anxieties. The more 'fun' you have, laughing, joking, confronting your fears and such, the more you will be able to be free with your feelings. You will learn to trust your dentist and surrender the anxieties which cripple you.
Be positive. Take control of your own fear and know that you will get through any dental visit. Taking care of your teeth is in your best interest - as gum disease can affect other organs in your body, seriously. And to me, that's more to be afraid of than any dental work.
Be strong. All will be okay and good luck with that broken tooth -go get it fixed, before you do more damage.
Good luck!