2011-08-29 14:12:16 UTC
I took my 8 year old daughter to the dentist today and was told that she needed phase 1 orthodontic treatment. The reason being is that her mouth is very small and her permanent teeth on the top do not have room to come in properly. She has her permanent front teeth and eye teeth. They want to put a device in the roof of her mouth that will create spaces by expanding her teeth thus allowing the other teeth to come down. She also has an extra permanent tooth on the bottom, she has 5 instead of 4. The 4 have come in but in the X-ray you can see the extra tooth. On top of this she has a "deep bite" her top teeth completely cover her bottom teeth when she bites down.
The dentist wants to start phase 1 orthodontics and put in the device. I am worried because she is so young and I know that the expansion devices hurt a great deal. My question is if this is really necessary or can we wait until she is 11 or 12 and get regular braces since she will need them regardless??
Also has anyone experienced phase 1 and phase 2 or had/has a child that has?
I plan on taking her to a pediatric orthodontist (the dentist we went to today is a family dentist that does orthodontic work) to get a second opinion but in the meantime I'm doing some research.
Thank you for reading and for any advice you may have!