before I start, let me tell you, Im gonna sound really bad... ok so i'm 14, and super busy. I know its not an excuse to not brush my teeth everyday, but yea. And I havent been to the dentist in a good 2 years... (I know, Im terrible) I dont get to it everyday and now my teeth are hurting really bad in two places.. I told my mom and she said she was going to schedule a dentist appointment. So I just have to deal with this for a while more, but now Im thinking about how bad my teeth have gotten. I have 4 cavities already... but now Im afraid I've gotten more! and Im 14, so Im worried that my teeth are going to rot out and I wont have them when Im older... ( I sound like a little kid, but Im really concerned about my teeth because I dance and I sorta need them for pictures and smiling lol) My mind is over thinking this whole thing and the other day I thought about something really scary, that my cavity count has gone into the double digits... I mean i know thats not true, but now that I thought about it, I cant stop.. Im so worried, does anybody have ANY advice to help me feel better and then get onto a better dental hygiene routine? thanks (: <-- toothless smile