2013-06-30 01:56:47 UTC
I am in foster care so I have no one to pay for my braces. So this is why I am coming to you to ask where is it possible to receive free braces for teeth in southern CA possibly near L.A I've been to multiple orthodontist && they all say my teeth are messed up, unfortunately not enough for medical(my insurance) to cover it 100%. They said I have a classification 1, crowding in front, && a slight overbite..... && id have to wear them for a year && a half, to 2 years. I have been trying to get braces since 5th or 6th grade when I used to live with my mum.
If there is any programs for foster youth or any other ways of receiving free braces please let me know...
I have heard of people who donate their time as charity work for kids who can't afford them to receive free braces unfortunately I have no idea if this is true or who I would even contact for such thing anyways I appreciate your help thank you.